JavaScript Conditionals

Not CompletedJavaScript Conditional Section Introduction

Hi, and welcome to the section on conditionals in JavaScript. Now, conditionals are one of the most fundamental building blocks of any kind of programming language.

Not CompletedBasic Syntax for Using Conditionals in JavaScript

This guide walks through the syntax for using conditionals in JavaScript. Including examining the full set of comparison operators.

Not CompletedGuide to If/Else Conditionals in JavaScript

This guide shows how to implement if/else conditionals in JavaScript in order to give programs dynamic behavior.

Not CompletedCompound Conditionals in JavaScript

This guide examines how to implement compound conditionals in a JavaScript program.

Not CompletedHow to Build a Switch Statement in JavaScript to Check for Data Types

In this guide you'll learn how to work with JavaScript switch statements. The example we'll walk through will examine how to check for the data type of a variable.

Not CompletedOverview of JavaScript Ternary Operator

Let's walk through the code for the ternary operator, and we're first going to start off by looking at why the ternary operator in JavaScript is necessary.


JavaScript Conditionals
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