Mobile Development with React Native

Getting Started with React Native

Learn how to create React Native applications with the Expo IO framework.

React Native Custom Components

Explore how to build and work with custom components to extend the functionality of a mobile application.

Authentication in React Native

Work with APIs and walk through how to implement authentication features, such as logging in and registering into a React Native application.

Implementing the App Stack Screens

In this section, you'll learn how to implement the screens in the app stack, including the: feed, form, search, and account screens.

Mobile Forms and Images

In this section, we'll focus on building out the post form component, including the ability to work with images and permissions in React Native.

Search Functionality and Final App Features

This section explains how to implement the search engine for the application along with making final app changes.

Mobile Development with React Native

Mobile Development with React Native

  • Build a working Memipedia App
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